Helpful advice and articles for your successful breastfeeding
What is a Tongue Tie and Frenotomy procedure?
A tongue tie, also known as ankyloglossia, is a condition in which the strip of skin beneath a baby's tongue (the lingual frenulum) is shorter than usual, limiting the movement of the tongue. This condition can potentially affect a baby's ability to breastfeed or...
How to supplement my baby at the breast
A supplemental nursing system (SNS), is a device that allows you to feed your baby breast milk or infant formula while you are breastfeeding. Here are the steps for using an SNS: Assemble the device: Follow the manufacturer's instructions to assemble the SNS. This...
What to do if my baby is experiencing a nursing strike
If your baby is refusing to latch all of a sudden and you are experiencing a nursing strike, it can be a frustrating and challenging time for both you and your baby. Here are a few things you can try to help get your baby back to nursing: Offer lots of skin-to-skin...
What to do if I have sore nipples while breastfeeding
If you have sore nipples while breastfeeding/chestfeeding, here are a few things you can try to help alleviate the pain: Check your baby's latch. Making sure your baby is properly latched onto your breast/chest can help prevent sore nipples. A proper latch involves...
How to improve low milk supply
There are several things you can try to increase your milk supply while breastfeeding/chestfeeding:Nurse frequently. Nursing frequently can help stimulate your body to produce more milk. Try nursing on demand, at least every 2-3 hours during the day and every 3-4...
Pumping 101
Pumping is a big deal If pumping was as easy as pouring a glass of water from your kitchen tap, formula companies' market share would shrink big time! However, if you or someone you know ever tried pumping, it appears not that easy task at all. We'll try to explain...
Instructions to examine a baby for a tongue-tie or lip-tie
Medical schools teach future doctors proper examination techniques. For example, if you don't know where to put your stethoscope, you may miss a heart murmur. Unfortunately, no instructions are provided on how to examine a baby who is having...
The IBCLC Project
Call or text @ 416-804-9300
3 things you should know about nipple shields
While serving Toronto and its surroundings, quite often we meet the family already using nipple shields, and, often, having mixed feelings about it. So we, as Lactation Consultants, decided to shed some light on this issue. Photo credit: Oksana...
Pacifier: to use or not to use?
In our everyday work, our clients ask us what do we think about pacifiers almost every single time we visit a new baby. As an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) I can only give all possible information to the parents and then they...
Nipple shape and breastfeeding
Did you know that one of the biggest concerns or obstacles to the successful breastfeeding can be the shape of your nipples? You may have heard about a "misfortune" if one is born with flat or inverted nipples. I'll try to bring some positivity and sense to this...
Tongue-tie is not only about breastfeeding difficulties
As Lactation Consultants, we visit many homes and often get to meet the whole family of a breastfeeding parent and a baby. The partners, grandparents and siblings receive the benefit of learning about our consultations and what our work is all about. During the years...
Newborn Breast Crawl Instinct
If you are getting ready to greet your new family member and you plan to breastfeed/chestfeed them, you'll probably are aware of the importance of a proper latch. A good latch will let the baby to transfer all the available milk and your nipples will stay sound....
How to boost your milk supply
Sometimes you find yourself in a situation when you feel your milk supply has significantly dropped and you need to boost it as much and as soon as possible. The easiest option would be just to breastfeed your baby more often day and night, have some more...
How to achieve a perfect latch
The latch is a fundament of your whole breastfeeding, not less! As you cannot build a house on a poor base, so you cannot have a successful breastfeeding having a poor latch. Life is not black and white, so neither the breastfeeding is, so you'll definitely hear the...
How to feed your baby away from the breast
Sometimes in your breastfeeding journey you may find yourself wondering how could you (or someone else!) feed your baby away from the breast, because breast is not the option right now as you have to leave a baby for your personal appointment, get away or work, or you...
How to store your breastmilk
Almost everyone is willing to have some breastmilk stash in the freezer while breastfeeding a baby for many possible cases, so here are the main guidelines for human breastmilk storage. As you see, you don't need dump your breastmilk if you pumped it or...
How to hand express your breastmilk
The Basics of Breast massage and Hand Expression. Video credit: Maya Bolman, IBCLC and Ann Witt, MD, FABM, IBCLC Breast gymnastics Video credit: Maya Bolman, IBCLC Call or text @ 416-804-9300
Why does my baby and I need bodywork?
In our breastfeeding support work we strongly believe in holistic approach and teamwork. Your baby spends whole nine months in your womb, then goes through delivery and gets in your arms. At the same time you undergo a long journey of transformation both mentally and...
How to start your breastfeeding out right
Happy World Breastfeeding Week (WBW) 2018 everyone! It’s one of our holidays shared with other health care professionals and breastfeeding/chestfeeding parent community. This time around it’s August 1-7 worldwide, although each country chooses its own date, so in...
What to do if I have a breast pain?
Life without pain is truly priceless! So let's discuss breast pain. If you have breasts and you are not nursing your baby, and you feel pain in your breast(s) - please see your doctor. However, if you were breastfeeding, but have stopped some time ago (more than a few...
Can I visit an amusement park while breastfeeding?
Recently I got a question is it safe to visit Canada’s Wonderland in Toronto or any amusement park while breastfeeding? So I had this question in mind when I visited it yesterday and tried all the most scariest, highest and toughest rides.So here is my 5 cents on the...
Why would I need Lactation Consultant’s in-home visit?
Congratulations on your baby! We wish you lots of wonderful moments and as smooth journey into this new parenthood as possible. Here is some check list of questions you can answer and get an idea, are you doing just like you are supposed to (and your family and...
Tongue-tie and Breastfeeding
Sometimes the only thing preventing you from successful and painless breastfeeding of your baby is their oral ties or so called tethered oral tissues. We all have those frenulums in our mouths, but sometimes they are too short, or too tight, or anything else thus...
Blebs, Blocked Ducts, Milk Stasis, Mastitis and Abscess
Blebs, blisters, blocked (“plugged”) ducts, lumps, milk stasis, mastitis and then abscess can interrupt and complicate mother’s breastfeeding journey causing her a lot of pain and inconvenience, and things get even worse if mother is only pumping exclusively.Worldwide...
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137 Montrose Ave
Toronto, ON M6J 2T6
(LC Oksana is onsite weekdays 10:00-3:00 PM)
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