3 things you should know about nipple shields

3 things you should know about nipple shields

While serving Toronto and its surroundings, quite often we meet the family already using nipple shields, and, often, having mixed feelings about it. So we, as Lactation Consultants, decided to shed some light on this issue. Photo credit: Oksana Laurinaviciene, IBCLC...
Pacifier: to use or not to use?

Pacifier: to use or not to use?

In our everyday work, our clients ask us what do we think about pacifiers almost every single time we visit a new baby. As an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) I can only give all possible information to the parents and then they get to...
Nipple shape and breastfeeding

Nipple shape and breastfeeding

Did you know that one of the biggest concerns or obstacles to the successful breastfeeding can be the shape of your nipples? You may have heard about a “misfortune” if one is born with flat or inverted nipples. I’ll try to bring some positivity and...
Newborn Breast Crawl Instinct

Newborn Breast Crawl Instinct

If you are getting ready to greet your new family member and you plan to breastfeed/chestfeed them, you’ll probably are aware of the importance of a proper latch. A good latch will let the baby to transfer all the available milk and your nipples will stay sound....
How to boost your milk supply

How to boost your milk supply

Sometimes you find yourself in a situation when you feel your milk supply has significantly dropped and you need to boost it as much and as soon as possible. The easiest option would be just to breastfeed your baby more often day and night, have some more sleep and...
How to achieve a perfect latch

How to achieve a perfect latch

The latch is a fundament of your whole breastfeeding, not less! As you cannot build a house on a poor base, so you cannot have a successful breastfeeding having a poor latch. Life is not black and white, so neither the breastfeeding is, so you’ll definitely hear...
How to feed your baby away from the breast

How to feed your baby away from the breast

Sometimes in your breastfeeding journey you may find yourself wondering how could you (or someone else!) feed your baby away from the breast, because breast is not the option right now as you have to leave a baby for your personal appointment, get away or work, or you...
How to store your breastmilk

How to store your breastmilk

Almost everyone is willing to have some breastmilk stash in the freezer while breastfeeding a baby for many possible cases, so here are the main guidelines for human breastmilk storage. As you see, you don’t need dump your breastmilk if you pumped it or hand...
How to hand express your breastmilk

How to hand express your breastmilk

The Basics of Breast massage and Hand Expression. Video credit: Maya Bolman, IBCLC and Ann Witt, MD, FABM, IBCLC Breast gymnastics Video credit: Maya Bolman, IBCLC   If you require urgent help with breastfeeding:Call or text @...